
Categories: , SKU: N/A

Building, Other, Tower

Fastening surface

Concrete, Masonry, Other, Steel

Surface of the substrate

Other, Plane (flat), Round (tube), Steel grid

Fall protection

Fixed ladder, Guide rail

Fall protection material

Anodized aluminum, Stainless steel, Steel hot dipped galvanized

The transfer flap is used to safely transfer the fall arrester from a vertical climbing path to a horizontal climbing path and has two outlets for this purpose. Thus, this product can replace a bend in the guide rail. The fall arrester can always be moved to the correct vertical position from the horizontal, regardless of the position. The flap is connected exclusively to the guide rails Attachment to the structure is required only at free ends.


These components you need for your fall protection system

  1. Guide rail or ladder with integrated guide rail
  2. Fastening element
  3. Profile connector
  4. Climbing lock bottom 12 kN
  5. Climbing lock top 12 kN
  6. Identification plate
  7. Collecting device

MKL-Technik GmbH
Kirchenlamitzer Straße 20
95126 Schwarzenbach a. d. Saale